Story Cubes
Kids love a good story, and Story Cubes give you the opportunity to stir up some pretty imaginative stories. Always guaranteed to get laughs as the stories become more and more creative, it’s small form factor makes it a great travel game.
Tantrum o-meter:
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Magna Tiles
If you can get these second hand, do it. They’re expensive, but they’ve lasted us for around 7 years and they’re still going strong.
They are not played with constantly, but come out every now and again for various uses, whether it’s to build a little car park, or a rocket, or just to make patterns with. They’re a great open-ended toy that kids will keep coming back to.
Tantrum o-meter:
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WE LOVE LEGO. We actually have a massive pile of lego that is from when we were kids - and this is probably the best kind as imagination can run wild and there’s no right and wrong in what gets built. Easily the most played with toy in our household - we recommend just getting a big old tub of bricks. There’s no need to go wild with the Harry Potter sets (yet), keep it simple to start with and the more complex (less open-ended) sets can come in at a later age.
Tantrum o-meter:
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